Mesolithic Hut (2023)
Name of the building in the museum in English: Mesolithic Hut (2023)
Name of the building in local language (as used in the museum): Mezolīta mītne (2023)
Local Language: Latvian
Type of building:
Reconstruction (a new building, based on either historical or archaeological sources but without using original substance)
Museum where the building is currently located:
Araisi Ezerpils Archaeological Park (LV)
Please select extra information below:
The original building or its remains: Source and Inhabitants
Source Material
Name of the location: Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE) | See Google Map below
Address: Süderstraße 47 | 25767 Albersdorf | Germany
Organisation responsible for in situ excavation:
Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE)
Name of the person responsible for the excavation: Werner Pfeifer
Role of the person documenting: Experimental Archaeologist and Educator
When the excavation took place: 2014
Source(s): Relevant academic literature (1.94 MB)
Pfeifer, Werner. Experience with Building Mesolithic Huts in the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen in 2014. In: EXARC Journal Issue 2015/4; available at: < > [ Accessed: 09.01.2025 ]
Source used by W.Pfeifer on the original excavated remains of Mesolithic huts, as cited in the above mentioned article: MÜLLER, J. 2012/13. Mesolithisch– Neolithisch: Zur Entwicklung von Hütten und Häusern im Südlichen Skandinacien und nördlichen Mitteleuropa. Offa 69/70, 249 - 264.