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RETOLD Features

Setting Up

Before documentation of crafts or buildings start, several things need to be set up. 
These people and items will receive an ID, and can then be selected, while the documentation is in progress. Once they have an ID, they can be used in any documentation form you fill out.  One simply chooses them from the overview. No GDPR sensitive information is collected. 

What needs to be ID'ed in this setting up phase are:

  1. The documenter. This person who actually documents. Each documenter needs to be ID'ed separately. There can be several documenters within one organisation, but also one documenter can document several crafts or buildings.
  2. The craftsperson. On this website referred as crafter. This is the person who stands for the craft activity. Even though more people can be involved in a single craft activity, we refer to the primary crafter. One crafter can perform several crafts. 
  3. The tool. This is a movable, often handheld object, used to perform certain actions. Often used in more crafts.
  4. The installation. This is a usually non-movable piece of equipment.