4. Original Building: Inhabitants, Type & Role
Here you add contextual information about the source material, This may include date of construction, cultural background, function and inhabitants. This section accommodates both ethnographic and archaeological objects, and for that reason, some fields can be left blank. For example, in an archaeological context, the names of the inhabitants will generally not be known, but for ethnographic buildings this information is often relevant. This contextual information is particularly suitable for storytelling for the public although also of interest to researchers.
Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
Things to prepare beforehand:
- All possible historical of archaeological data (documents, photos, plans connected to the original building/features)
- Plans or aerial photos of the original site showing the location of original building or archaeological feature within the site/settlement
- Photos, oral testimonies, and other info on the buildings function and inhabitants
- Information on the surroundings of the source material including climate during time of use, soil type, vegetation etc.
Target group:
- General public
- Researchers
Please fill in the form below: