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Communities and Resources


Founded 2001, EXARC’s mission is to make the archaeological past widely accessible. It does this through creating opportunities for researchers and practitioners to collaborate, exchange information, and share best practices in archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology research, educational and presentational tools and demonstrations of cultural heritage. EXARC’s mission includes facilitating both research and education. 

Founded in 1966, the Association of European Open Air Museums (AEOM), is an association of leaders of open air museums in Europe. The aim of the AEOM is the exchange of scientific, technical, practical and organisational experience relative to open air museums, and the promotion of the activities of open air museums in general. 

Founded 1966, the International Association of Agricultural Museums (AIMA) is a forum for organisations dedicated to promoting interest in the impact of agriculture on human society through the ages. 

Founded 1970, the Association for Living History, Farm, and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM) shares practical knowledge and skills among those who make history relevant to contemporary lives. We draw strength from our diverse network of members, sharing experience, research and passion for participatory learning. 

Founded 1946, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) is the world's largest network of museum professionals. They have a large number of international themed committees and every three years a general conference, attracting thousands of people. Membership is arranged per country, in national committees. 

Founded 1965, the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) is a sister organisation to ICOM. Where the latter works with artefacts, ICOMOS works with the immovable heritage. 

Suggestions for further reading

Bedal, Albrecht, Axel Burkarth, Thomas Naumann (eds), 2012. Freilichtmuseum und Hausforschung, Museumsmagazin 10, Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8062-2728-4.

Drury, P.J., (ed.) 1983. Structural Reconstruction, approaches to the interpretation of excavated remains of Buildings, Oxford: BAR British Series 110, ISBN 0-86054-193-2.

Paardekooper, Roeland, 2013. The Value of an Archaeological Open-Air Museum is in its use, understanding archaeological open-air museums and their visitors, Leiden: Sidestone, ISBN 978-90-8890-103-4, see: 

Rentzhog, Sten, 2007. Open air museums, the history and future of a visionary idea, Jamtli Förlag & Carlsson Bokförlag, ISBN 978-91-7948-208-4.

Volmer, Lutz, W. Haio Zimmermann (eds), 2012. Glossary of prehistoric and historic timber buildings, Studien zur Landschafts- und Siedlungsgeschichte im südlichen Nordseegebiet, Band 3, Niedersächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung, Wilhelmshaven, Rahden Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, ISBN 978-3-86757-333-7.


NEMO, 2023. Practical Guide: Digital Basic Cataloguing, 10 Principles, Berlin.

Digitaalerfgoedcoach.Online, 2024. Timetable Digitization of Heritage Collections (in Dutch) Spoorboekje Digitalisering Erfgoedcollecties