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RETOLD Features

2. The Documenter and the Building in the Museum

Here you enter basic information on where the documentation of the building in the museum was made. As for the main person documenting it, their name and contact details, as well as affiliated institutions were already added when Setting Up.  If more than one documenter was involved, others can be added in this section too. The information in this section is not of interest to the general public, but very important for the record itself as well as for researchers who might have follow-up questions.

You first ID the documenter, which you added earlier while Setting Up.

 Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Things to prepare beforehand:

Target group:

  • Staff of the organisation
  • Researchers

Please fill in the form below:

Select the building
Select the relevant building. When you are logged in, you will only see the buildings listed who were added previously by your organisation.

Select the primary documenter
Select the person documenting this craft activity. The relevant name(s) connected with your organisation, will show up automatically when you are logged in.

Time and space

The location where the documentation was made
More options are possible.
Date(s) of the documentation
more items
If the process of documenting this object took more than one day, please select all days, one by one.