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Case Study

Stone Age House of Flögeln

Stone Age House of Flögeln

Name of the building in the museum in English: Stone Age House of Flögeln

Name of the building in local language (as used in the museum): Steinzeithaus Flögeln

Local Language: German 

Type of building: 
Reconstruction (a new building, based on either historical or archaeological sources but without using original substance) 

Museum where the building is presently located:
Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE)

To be included (?)


Please select extra information below:

The original building or its remains: Source and Inhabitants

Source Material

Name of the location: Flögeln - Eekhöltjen | See Google Map below

Address: Im Seegen | Geestland - Flögeln. 27624 | Germany

Organisation responsible for in situ excavation: 
Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für historische Küstenforschung | Germany | Website

Name of the person responsible for the excavation: Wolf H. Zimmermann

Role of the person documenting: Archaeologist

When the excavation took place: 1971-1986

Source(s): Relevant academic literature (1.7 MB) | Photo from the excavation and drawings
R. Kelm. 2011. Steinzeithäuser aus dem Elbe-Weser-Dreieck im Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen. Die Nachbauten der jungsteinzeitlichen Bauernhäuser von Flögeln und Pennigbüttel im Originalmaßstab. In: Jahrbuch der Männer vom Morgenstern, Nr. 90, S. 249 – 258. 
W. H. Zimmermann. 2000. Die trichterbecherzeitlichen Häuser von Flögeln-Eekhöltjen im nördlichen Elbe-Weser-Gebiet. In: R. Kelm (ed.), Vom Pfostenloch zum Steinzeithaus. Albersdorfer Forschungen zur Archäologie und Umweltgeschichte, Bd. 1. Heide, S. 111 – 115.

53.663387, 8.806284

Time and Inhabitants

The historical /archaeological time period of the original building is: 

The original building date / date of first construction of the building is: 
3200 BC

Cultural group is known as:
Funnel Beaker Culture

Is the information about the original building's owners / users / inhabitants known? 

About the original building

The original building was: 
Part of a settlement

If part of a settlement, what is the original building's environment: 
Household / homestead

What was the name of the household?

What was the location of the original building within the household?

The original function of the (original) building was: 

If the original building was residential, the primary type was:

Has the building's function of use changed through its history? 

The building in the museum: Basic facts and Construction process

The importance

The reason to present this building in the museum is:
The building is a rare specimen of its type, The building is important to the national or regional context, The building is of technological interest

Please explain the rarity:
There are only a very few findings and excavations of neolithic houses in Northern Germany.

Please explain about its national or regional context:
The Flögeln-House Type is typical for the southern north sea coast oriented neolithic house structures in neolithic times.

Please explain the specific technological interest:
The construction of the bearing posts with an A-type is very seldom and special.

The reconstructed building was build on the site of the archaeological feature:

A plan or aerial photo of the building's location within the museum

The location in the museum

Registration number / name / inventory number of the building: Neo 1

Location in the museum: In the area of the neolithic village (open-air area)

The building in the museum is: Stand-alone

Documentation of the Construction Process

Is the organisation constructing / rebuilding the building in the museum a RETOLD partner:

Name of the organisation conducting the construction / rebuilding:
Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE)

Name of the person responsible for construction:
Rüdiger Kelm

Role of the person within the organisation:

Significant diversion

Is there a significant diversion in the construction from the original: 

Please provide reasons for the changes:
Safety reasons, costs, durability

Are materials, techniques or tools diverging from historical/archaeological accuracy?

Please provide reasons for the changes:
Safety reasons, costs durability