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Case Study

Net floater

Net floater - Von Bullenwächter - Eigenes Werk, CC BY 3.0,
Name of the material in English
Net floater
Name of the material in local language
How was the material obtained
From the natural environment
Please describe:
The "Swimmer" consists of light / swimming wood (taken from the forest)
Describe the (raw) material and all the steps of processing until the moment of use with the craft activity:

The "swimmer" is made out of light wood, which is to purchase in the forest. To be used as a swimmer is has to be dug out from a bigger wood. The form of the swimmer is oval, not bigger than 15 x 10 cm and relatively flat.

Image: Net floater made of pine bark from Friesack (Havelland) around 8000 BC. Von Bullenwächter - Eigenes Werk, CC BY 3.0,

This material was used at