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Case Study

Antler hammer

Antler hammer
This is
a Tool
Name of the tool / installation in English
Antler hammer
Name of the tool / installation in local language
Function of the tool / installation:

To allow the craftsperson to make a "soft / smooth hit" on the stone (not directly hitting with stone on stone as in the "hard hit") a hammer of robust antler material or of hard wood is used. This allows to produce different, more elaborated flint tools.

Describe briefly how to use the tool / installation

You take a flint core to work on, then the hammer of antler and a hammer of wood (see the picture!). You put the hammer of antler between the stone and the wooden hammer, and then you hit with the wooden hammer on the antler.

How was the tool / installation obtained:
Self made

This tool / installation belongs to Organisation

This is used in this craft activity