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Case Study

Spinning wheel

Spinning wheel
This is
an Installation
Name of the tool / installation in English
Spinning wheel
Name of the tool / installation in local language
Roată de tors
Function of the tool / installation:

Spinning the wool

Describe briefly how to use the tool / installation

Press the pedal and both hands are free to work the yarn so that one hand holds the wad and the other drafts fibers and arranges the fibers so as to have the right thickness. While the yarn is being spun, it is winded through some hooks onto the bobbin. After being winded on one part of the bobbin, the yarn is set on another hook in a part that the bobbin is empty. This movement is made until the bobbin is full of yarn, according to how big the bobbin is.

How was the tool / installation obtained:
Purchased by trade


Or this tool / installation belongs to Crafter