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Please see the answers below for all your questions you have about RETOLD. We are adding new questions and answers as we get them.

3D Models

We don’t have a 3D model - can we use 2D images in the app to document buildings?

The 3D model in the app is used to map the marks you are setting against a location on the building, so some form of 3D model is needed.

The model does not have to be overly complex - a simple 3D diagram is enough. You can then add much more information in the “marks” panel.

When signing up to the RETOLD app, you can opt to have a model created by our support team. Alternatively, you can choose from our library of very basic models.

Where do I get/how do I create the 3D models?

Once you have decided with the help of the quality table which level of detail you want for your 3D model, you have the option of either sourcing it internally through staff and/or volunteers. 

If you would like to outsource this, please get in touch with RETOLD/EXARC to get connected with our trusted collaborators.

Craft Video

Where do I get/how do I create the video materials?

Some museums have dedicated media or social media managers, who are usually well versed in videography. In other cases, staff, curators or volunteers take that role. 


What can I not put in the app?

Contentwise - Any materials that you do not have distribution or use rights to, dangerous or offensive material.

Files that are too big, as there is a limitation to how much you can upload.