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RETOLD Features

8e. The Building in the Museum: Detailed Technical Description - Roof

Here you describe the type of roof, the frame type, the materials and manufacturing technique, how it is covered and its condition. 

 Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Things to prepare beforehand:

  • Images of the roof, its structural elements and covering

Target group:

  • Staff of the organisation
  • Researchers

Please fill in the form below:

Select the building
Select the relevant building. When you are logged in, you will only see the buildings listed who were added previously by your organisation.

Roof structure

Please select the model which represents the type of the roof best
If you have suggestions to add more types please contact us about your request.
Please select the model which represents the frame type of the roof best
If you have suggestions to add more types please contact us about your request.
Please select the material used to make the structure of the roof
More options are possible.
For example wood: oak
Usually from the crest to the beams on which the structure rests.
Maximum 3 files.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, svg.

Roof covering

Select more if needed. If you select "Other", please add a new material below.
Please add another material used.
Re-order Height Width Depth Weight Operations
Please provide in mm
Please provide in mm
Please provide in mm
Maximum 3 files.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, svg.