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Digitising a Medieval Village, how Cool is That?

In Berlin, in the Museum Village Düppel, exciting steps are taken. Their village and the surroundings are based on excavation results of a real medieval settlement from around 1200 AD. Can Düppel be digitized? They want to create a digital museum village which can be used in virtual- and augmented reality for education. We can also use digital models to show alternative interpretations of house reconstruction as well as engaging new visitor groups with cultural heritage through virtual and augmented realities.

Results of the Project virt:düppel now on Sketchfab!

As part of the project virt:düppel the house models in their natural settings were already digitised in 3D using a combination of photogrammetry and 3D scanning techniques. You can find the 3D-models on Sketchfab to play with

But why stick to the outside only? Come inside! After the first digitisation project (virt:düppel) scanned the houses from the outside, a second project (düppel:3D) is running at the moment to scan the houses from the inside. The 3D-models are made using a 3D scanner in combination with photogrammetry. The resulting data will be used for starting a dialogue with our visitors, as well as for documenting the reconstructions as part of the EU project RETOLD.

The project is carried out as part of a cooperation between the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin and the Stadtmuseum Berlin and was funded by digiS – the research centre for digitisation Berlin.…

Photo: Showing Arie Kai-Browne of the HTW using the 3D-scanner in one of house reconstructions (Photo: Timo Reubel).