The surroundings or conditions within which something or someone lives.
Definition source: Chambers 21st Century Dictionary
Archeopark Mesopotamia (RU)
Archeopark Mesopotamia (Археопарк Междуречье), just 25 km north from Ulyanovsk, is an archaeological open-air museum and archaeological reservation of 250 hectares. It includes as well a small hotel and an indoor museum. A visit starts with a guided tour which includes demonstration of craftspeople.
How was the weather like in the Neolithic Era in Austria (AT)?
The Neolithic is characterised by a warmer period; mean temperatures of 2 - 3 degrees warmer can be counted with. Obviously, our seasons like we know them were present back then as well.
Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE)
The “Stone Age Park Dithmarschen” in Albersdorf (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) is being reconstructed as a Neolithic cultural landscape from ca. 3.000 BC. Lying close to megalithic tombs and grave mounds dating from the first farmers in Northern Germany, the site offers educational activities like flint knapping, archery and leatherwork.