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Did they really have such beautiful colours in the past (DK)?

Yes. From about the middle of the Danish Iron Age they began to colour their clothes in all sorts of colours. In the Early Iron Age, one had carefully sorted out the wool and made use of the natural colours of the yarn to create dice and striped patterns.

From the middle of the iron Age on, yellow, brown as well as blue and red colours start to appear. Blue and red were expensive to get and were probably reserved for the wealthier people. Brown, yellow and other colours that can be made by wild and ordinary plants, leaves, mosses etc. were used by everyone.

Question in the Native Language

Havde de virkelig så smukke farver i oldtiden (DK)?

Ja, fra engang ca. midt i jernalderen begynder der at optræde meget smukt farvede stoffer i de arkæologiske fund.I den tidlige jernalder havde man omhyggeligt sorteret ulden i og udnyttet garnernes naturlige farver til at skabe ternede og stribede mønstre.
I midten af jernalderen optræder der både gule, brune, røde og blå farver. Blå og rød var dyre at fremstille og var derfor forbeholdt de velhavende. Gul, brun og andre farver, der kan fremstilles af naturens vilde planter, kunne alle benytte.
