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How did the people of the lake fortress dress (LV)?

Excavated material permits reconstruction of the dress of the people living on the island. Women wore long linen shirts with half-length or full length sleeves. Simple wraparound skirts were made from a rectangular piece of woollen fabric, held up by a woven belt. A woollen shawl was worn on the shoulders. The ornate woollen shawls for festive occasions were decorated with geometric designs of small bronze rings and spirals. Maidens wore various kinds of crown-like bronze headdresses (vainags), while married women had head cloths or caps. Ornaments included bronze neck-rings, armbands, brooches and finger-rings.
Men wore a shirt and trousers: the trousers were bound in puttees below the knees. On top, they had a woollen or half-wool coat. This was girdled with a fabric or leather belt. People belonging to the upper social stratum wore ornate belts decorated with bronze mounts and tassels. Capes were also worn as outer garments, fastened on the chest with a large brooch. The men wore fur or woollen caps. They too had armbands, finger-rings and chest ornaments.
Both men and women bound their legs in puttees, and footwear was of leather or bast.
The dress would have been made in the lake fortress itself – weaving, bleaching and dyeing the fabrics. Dyes were made from locally-available plants, obtaining blue, red, brown, yellow and green colour tones. The ornaments too were made by jewellery smiths living here.

More: Anna Zariņa. Seno latgaļu apģērbs.- Rīga, 1970.- pp.55.-171.

Question in the Native Language

Kā ģērbās ezerpilieši (LV)?

Izrakumos iegūtais materiāls ļauj rekonstruēt seno salas iedzīvotāju apģērbu. Sievietes valkāja garus linu kreklus ar pusgarām vai garām piedurnēm. No taisnstūrveida vilnas auduma gatavoja nesašūtos pārliekamos brunčus, ko saturēja austas jostas. Ap pleciem sedza villaines. Greznās svētku tērpu villaines rotāja ar bronzas lociņu ģeometriskiem rakstiem un spirālītēm. Jaunavas galvā lika bronzas lentveida vai grīstes vainagus, bet sievas – galvas autus vai cepures. No rotaslietām nēsāja bronzas kaklariņķus, aproces, saktas un gredzenus.
Vīrieši valkāja kreklus, bikses, kuras zem ceļgaliem aptina ar kājautiem, vilnas un pusvilnas svārkus. Tos sajoza ar auduma vai ādas jostām. Sabiedrības virsslāņa piederīgie nēsāja greznas, ar bronzas plāksnīšu apkalumiem un īpašiem pušķiem rotātas jostas. Kā virsapģērbu lietoja apmetni, kuru uz krūtīm saturēja masīva sakta. Galvā vīrieši lika ādas vai vilnas auduma cepures. Arī vīrieši nēsāja bronzas aproces, gredzenus un krūšu rotas.
Kā vīrieši, tā sievietes kājas aptina ar kājautiem, apāva ar ādas vai lūka apaviem.
Apģērbus izgatavoja turpat ezerpilī – tos auda, balināja un krāsoja. Krāsošanai izmantoja vietējos augus, iegūstot zilos, sarkanos, brūnos, dzeltenos un zaļos krāsu toņus. Arī rotas izgatavoja uz vietas dzīvojošie rotkaļi.

Plašāk: Anna Zariņa. Seno latgaļu apģērbs.- Rīga, 1970.- 55.-171.lpp.