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How is wood tar made (NO)?

Tar is made by placing pine roots in a conical hole in the ground, lined with birch bark. They are then covered by turf, and set on fire. The turf keeps the oxygen out, so the wood doesn’t go up in flames. The sap is boiled out of the roots and runs to the bottom of the hole, where it can be collected as tar.

Question in the Native Language

Hvordan lager man tjære (NO)?

Tjære lages i en tjæremile. Dette er et traktformet hull i bakken, der man plasserer fururøtter (tyri) i et tykt lag rundt, med never i bunnen. Man dekker mila med torv og tenner på. Torven gjør at det ikke kommer luft til, så treet brenner ikke opp, men tjæra ”kokes” ut av treverket. Tjæra renner ned i bunnen av trakten, og tappes ut.
