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When were the Middle Ages in Scandinavia (DK)?

In Denmark, the Middle Ages began roughly at the death of king Knut the Holy in 1086, and lasted until the reformation in 1536. In most of continental Europe, the Middle Ages began towards the end of the 5th Century, but Scandinavia joined in much later, as Christianity was only introduced at the end of the Viking Age.

Question in the Native Language

Hvornår var middelalderen i Skandinavien (DK)?

I Danmark regnes middelalderen normalt fra omkring Knud den Helliges død i 1086, og varede til reformationen i 1536. I det meste af Europa regnes middelalderen allerede fra slutningen af det 5. århundrede, men Skandinavien kom først til senere, fordi kristendom ikke blev indført før hen mod slutningen af vikingetiden.
