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Hallstattzeitliches Gehöft am Burgstallkogel (AT)

2003 and 2004, the Hallstatt Museum Großklein in the Steiermark and the municipality Großklein in cooperation with the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS) built a series of experimental archaeological house (re)constructions.

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They were carried out according to archaeological findings from the BurgstallKogel itself and from other Iron Age sites in the South Alpine region.

A fully furnished house with a shingled roof, along with a weaving hut, a house in ‘Pfostenspeicherbau’ serving as granary and a bread baking cottage with bark roof fulfil a journey into time 2,800 years ago. In the construction only techniques and materials were used, which were available / known in that time. All visible tool marks are from tools that were known to be used by the Hallstatt period people.

The authentically restored Hallstatt farmhouse, a branch of the Hallstatt Großklein museum is located on the edge of the archaeological themed walking trail at the Burgstallkogel at Kleinklein. The trail also runs past the Sulmtal, which is one of the most extensive and important burial sites of the Hallstatt period.

46.744556, 15.426492