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Bronze Age

Antiquitates - Centro di Archeologia Sperimentale (IT)

Partner in RETOLD

In the heart of Central Italy there is an ancient land once known with the name of “Etruria”, where you can make a journey through centuries. Located in this pristine landscape, dominated only by nature, is Antiquitates, an Archaeological Education Park and a Research Centre for Experimental Archaeology, as well as a warm and cosy Guest House where you can spend a relaxing holiday dedicated to nature, equitation and archaeology.

Parco Archeologico e Museo all’Aperto della Terramara di Montale (IT)

Partner in RETOLD

The terramara of Montale, near Modena in Northern Italy, is a typical Bronze Age settlement with pile dwellings surrounded by a ditch with water and imposing earthwork fortifications.
Next to the site is an Open-Air Museum with life-size reconstructions of two houses furnished with replicas of the original finds dating back 3500 years.

Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen (DE)

Partner in RETOLD

The archaeological open-air museum at Unteruhldingen is situated at the Lake Constance in the very south of Germany. It dates back to as long ago as 1922 when the first two ‘Stone Age’ houses were constructed. All reconstructions since (22 so far) are based on lake dwelling excavations in and around the Alps dating to the Stone and Bronze Age.

Araisi Ezerpils Archaeological Park (LV)

Partner in RETOLD

At Āraiši Ezerpils Archaeological Park you can discover and explore dwellings from Stone Age to Middle Ages. There are reconstructions of Stone Age huts and a Bronze Age building that are built according to research data from excavations in Latvia and North-Eastern Europe. The main object in is the reconstruction of a Viking Age lake settlement in its original location – on a small island in Lake Āraiši. Right next to the reconstruction, there are original Medieval castle ruins built by the Teutonic Order in the 14th century.

Skånes Djurparks Camping Höör (SE)

Partner in RETOLD

At the Skånes Djurpark (a big animal park with domestic animals) researchers at Lund University started in 1982 with a Stone Age Village (Stenåldersbyn). People involved were Göran Burenhult, Lars Larsson and Sven Rosborn. They erected under the theme “Forntid i Nutid”) Mesolithic Summer huts from the early Stone Age built on the archaeological finds from Ageröd and Skateholm in Skåne.