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Bronze Age

Tomskaya Pisanitsa (RU)

Partner in RETOLD

In Kemerovskaya Oblast, near the village Pisanaya you will find the Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-preserve “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”. Its main attraction are petroglyphs and cave paintings. The exhibition “Ancient Dwellings” illustrates the housing traditions and architecture of peoples of the Central Siberia in the ancient time, from the late Stone Age (the Upper Paleolithic, about 45 - 30 thousand years BC).

Ekehagen Forntidsby (SE)

Partner in RETOLD

Ekehagen´s Prehistoric Village lies nearby the river Ätran in a beautiful countryside with birches and oak trees, approximately twelve miles, 20 kilometres, south of Falköping in the province of Västergötland. It is an archaeological open-air museum with presentations from various prehistoric periods.

Parque Arqueológico Los Cipreses (ES)

Partner in RETOLD

Enclosed in the industrial southern part of the town of Lorca (Murcia), the Archaeological Park of Los Cipreses occupies the site of an important settlement which dates back to the 3rd millennium BC, and belongs to the so called El Algar Culture. It had eight huts of oval shape, half dug in the soil and with stone walls. The settlement was discovered in 1992 during building works for the local sports centre and was therefore excavated.