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Living Museum of the Damara (NA)

Partner in RETOLD

Together with the Bushmen the Damara belong to the oldest nations in Namibia. Their original culture was a mixture of an archaic hunter-gatherer culture and herders of cattle, goats and sheep. Due to their loose social structures the Damara were not able to defend themselves against aggressors during the colonization of Namibia. This is one of the reasons why their culture has to a great extent fallen into oblivion.

Tomskaya Pisanitsa (RU)

Partner in RETOLD

In Kemerovskaya Oblast, near the village Pisanaya you will find the Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-preserve “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”. Its main attraction are petroglyphs and cave paintings. The exhibition “Ancient Dwellings” illustrates the housing traditions and architecture of peoples of the Central Siberia in the ancient time, from the late Stone Age (the Upper Paleolithic, about 45 - 30 thousand years BC).

Living Settlement (GL)

Partner in RETOLD

The Living Settlement (Nunaqarfik Uumassusilik or Levende Boplads) is a living project where visitors can experience the daily life of the last phase Thule Culture. The Project has a large potential in keeping the cultural heritage and interpreting and counts as well as a tourist attraction for the town.