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Museum of Human Evolution (ES)

Partner in RETOLD

The idea of the Museum of Human Evolution (MEH) emerged a decade ago, when the archaeological sites of the Sierra the Atapuerca were designated with the World Heritage Status by UNESCO. Its importance lies in in that fossils of hominids of more than 1.2 million years (the oldest of Western Europe) have been found there.

Tomskaya Pisanitsa (RU)

Partner in RETOLD

In Kemerovskaya Oblast, near the village Pisanaya you will find the Historical, Cultural and Natural Museum-preserve “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”. Its main attraction are petroglyphs and cave paintings. The exhibition “Ancient Dwellings” illustrates the housing traditions and architecture of peoples of the Central Siberia in the ancient time, from the late Stone Age (the Upper Paleolithic, about 45 - 30 thousand years BC).

Arqueopinto (ES)

Partner in RETOLD

Arqueopinto is an area of two hectares of land located south of the city of Madrid. It is municipally owned and managed by the Paleorama Company. Visitors come from all over Spain, though mainly from the central area. It has a clear school and family vocation although there are also courses for adults on prehistoric technology (ceramic, lithic knapping, basketry, etc.).