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Personas - Sonia

         I want my documentation and admin tools to be easy to use, so that I can spend more time on curation and outreach.

Doctorate in experimental archaeology. Has spent three years after graduation as a researcher at a central-European university. Special interest in social status in Iron-Age settlements. Works at a medium-sized open-air museum in Austria. Some practical craft knowledge. Familiar with statistics software and research database from university.

Sonia wants to manage administration and documentation in a modern, effective way. Sonia wants to help her co-workers manage paperwork efficiently so that they can spend more time on research and educational offerings. Sonia enjoys the sense of achievement that comes from curating well-visited experiences.

Since their museum is small, Sonia looks after the reconstructed buildings and collection of artefacts, organises repair, but also educational activities, documentation, and creation of social media content. During the visitor season Sonia helps out with organising outdoor events.

Sonia works either outdoors with a notebook and camera or in the office at a laptop.

There is so much going on at the museum during the season that there is little time for organising information. During the off-season Sona feels like she has to re-learn some of her documentation systems since they are so complex. Sometimes it feels like Sonia is the main contact for "everything digital", leaving her little time for research and planning.

Sonia needs a way to keep track on all the information and documentation generated during the busy season. She needs a way to organise and share out administrative and documentation tasks, so that she can collaborate better with junior staff and volunteers. Sonia wants to spend less time on data entry and "paperwork" and more on actual curatorial tasks such as putting together events, exhibits and publications.