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Who is the app for - Personas

Throughout 2021, we worked through the “Empathise” and “Define” phases of the process. We conducted surveys with self-selected participants from the EXARC network to gain an overview of current approaches to documentation and digitalisation in open air museums, and an insight into potential obstacles to digital tool adoption. In parallel, we analysed data entry and archiving systems currently in use by cultural organisations and museums in Europe and identified friction points in their use and adoption. Structured interviews with museums who have an experimental archaeology approach in their organisation and of using a digital archiving system helped us understand their challenges with data collection and management.

From this data, we created user personas and primary product objectives, allowing us to progress into the “Ideate” and “Prototype” phases of the process in early 2022.

Meet our Personas

RETOLD is a tool for open-air museums, but who will use it?


58 years old, staff member, maintenance

"I'm a hands-on person and not much good with computers, but I do want to help preserve our knowledge."

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32 years old, full-time curator

"I want my documentation and admin tools to be easy to use, so that I can spend more time on curation and outreach."

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45 years old, museum director

"We really need to make progress with digitisation, so that we preserve the organisational knowledge we have".

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25 years old, student/volunteer

"I am keen to learn about experimental archaeology in practice, and how to build on previous experiments"

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