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Archeopark dell’Etna (IT)

Partner in RETOLD

The Archeopark Etna is the first real-life prehistoric interactive village reconstructed in Sicily on the basis of archaeological documentation obtained in Sicily, in particular Etna, and experimentations in the field of lithic, textile, ceramic and agricultural crafts. A dynamic educational park, open to the public and schools, aiming to demonstrate the millenarian bond of people with the territory by means of an experiential path.

Archeoparc Liptovia (SK)

Partner in RETOLD

Civic organisation Archeopark Liptovia is a voluntary organization associating people with an interest in presentation, protection, research and education in historical, cultural, folklore, national and natural heritage of Slovakia and Liptov region.

Dublinia Heritage Centre (IE)

Partner in RETOLD

Dublinia heritage centre, a subsidiary company of the Medieval Trust serves as custodian of Viking and Medieval Dublin. Dublinia exhibits, promotes and displays the tangible and intangible culture and heritage through experiential reconstructions, best practice exhibitions and multi-sensory public engagement events. Dublinia’s objective is to be an engaging, educational and fun learning experience for all and strives to be the foremost education specialist for tomorrow’s tour guides.

Historical Park (BG)

Partner in RETOLD

In today's Bulgaria there are over 40 000 cultural and historical monuments, amongst which are significant prehistoric findings, Thracian tombs, objects from the Ancient Greek Age, Roman fortresses, monuments from the First and the Second Bulgarian Kingdom as well as other architectural landmarks from the period of the Renaissance.

Skupina STIK (SI)

Partner in RETOLD

Skupina STIK is a group of archaeologists that created a centre for experiential archaeology, called ARHEOFAKT. The centre represents a department within the cover research institute and is involved in reconstructions and presentations of life in the past. Our mission is the popularisation of experimential archaeology and archaeology in general.

Museum of Human Evolution (ES)

Partner in RETOLD

The idea of the Museum of Human Evolution (MEH) emerged a decade ago, when the archaeological sites of the Sierra the Atapuerca were designated with the World Heritage Status by UNESCO. Its importance lies in in that fossils of hominids of more than 1.2 million years (the oldest of Western Europe) have been found there.

Fornföreningen Fibula (AX)

Partner in RETOLD

The purpose of the association is to increase the knowledge about the Åland Island prehistoric epochs, primary the Viking time. Our goal is to emphasize the Iron Age by means of the reconstructed houses and a Viking ship, guided tours in the village, role play, re-enactments / camps for school kids, and banquets for companies, experiments and demonstration of crafts.

Archeopark Prásily (CZ)

Partner in RETOLD

The Keltoi association is a civil society aiming at developing social activities and education for children and youngsters. For this purpose, they have constructed a Celtic settlement (5th – 1st century BC) near Prášily (Šumava) where they organise short and long stays and focus partly on the technique of the Iron Age, partly on social aspects of their (and our) life.