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October 2021: RETOLD Meeting Online


Even though we would have loved to meet in person, due to the still ongoing pandemic, we decided to host our first conference online. The plan was to meet at Complexul National Muzeal ASTRA, and we hope to go there in October 2022. Instead we met online during three following days to discuss the progress and next steps. EXARC coordinated this meeting and the program.


Day 1 - Monday, October 4, 2021

11:00Welcome by the lead partner and small administration points (EXARC)
11:30Report and museums’ feedback on user research results (Nüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd)
13:00Documentation forms progress - data entry requirements (Museumsdorf Düppel - Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin)

Day 2 - Tuesday, October 5, 2021

11:00Overview of what is done for PR / movies and vlogging per partner (EXARC)
11:30Workshop: Evaluating current digital solutions - deciding what we need (Nüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd)
13:00Vlogging, what we need to do and who is responsible for what, what is the progress (Museumsdorf Düppel - Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin)

Day 3 - Wednesday, October 6, 2021

11:30Overview of exisiting visitors apps (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
12:30Planning Workshop with Nüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd
13:00Breakout session:
A. The 3 museums & EXARC - planning the "exhibition", the steps and what needs to be done when
B: Nuwa, UAB & EXARC - discussing the system needed
14:00Updated timetable. Looking forward to the next six, nine months. Who is doing what coming weeks / months, responsibilities
15:00Any other business