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RETOLD Meetings

Within the RETOLD project (2020-2024) we organised a number of meetings, workshops and conferences. Here we share an overview of these events, and explain how we learned to know the different sides of both museums and the more technical aspects of our project, how tackled the issues we were confronted with and the progress we made. At almost all events, we also invented colleagues from other projects, museums and local stakeholders of the partners where our meeting took place. This way, we succeeded not to get a tunnel vision, and also getting support from interested parties. 

September 2023: Retold Meeting at Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE)

For the semi final meeting of the RETOLD Project, we go to Albersdorf in Northern Germany. Again this is mainly an internal project meeting. We will be testing the RETOLD app which is meant for documentation of houses and crafts. The Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen is an excellent place to try this out as we do not just want to capture data...

March 2023: Retold Meeting at ASTRA Museum (RO)

The second meeting of the RETOLD project took place in Sibiu, Romania. Most of the meeting was not open to outsiders. The project entered its third and semi-final year and we took stock of progress in developing our tools for documenting, digitising and sharing of the information and stories of our museums..

June 2022: Retold Meeting at UAB, Barcelona (ES)

The RETOLD project is now almost 18 months active, and we have not met in person yet! The previous meeting at ASTRA in Rumania was postponed due to COVID-19 but in June we are going to UAB in Barcelona. During this first RETOLD meeting in person, we are going to introduce the project to a wider public of specialists and students...

October 2021: RETOLD Meeting Online


Even though we would have loved to meet in person, due to the still ongoing pandemic, we decided to host our first conference online. The plan was to meet at Complexul National Muzeal ASTRA, and we hope to go there in October 2022. Instead we met online during three following days to discuss the progress and next steps. EXARC coordinated this meeting and the program.