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September 2023: Retold Meeting at Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE)


For the semi final meeting of the RETOLD Project, we go to Albersdorf in Northern Germany. Again this is mainly an internal project meeting. We will be testing the RETOLD app which is meant for documentation of houses and crafts. The Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen is an excellent place to try this out as we do not just want to capture data, but see how the existing analog and digital data of an open-air museum can be fed into the system of RETOLD. We aim to discuss the relevance of this app and the RETOLD project in general with other museum professionals. After this meeting, we will be tweaking our products, some more testing over the winter, and then we should be good to go and share the results with other museums.


Updated, September 8, 2023

Arrival / Program Day 1 - Monday, September 18, 2023

Location: Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen, Süderstraße 47, 25767 Albersdorf

14:00 Lunch

Session 1 (Open to Public)

Welcome by the municipality of Albersdorf: Mr. Sven Voß (Vice mayor / chairman of the supervisory board of the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen, Germany)

Introduction into the RETOLD Project and into the EXARC-Cooperation-Network: Dr. Roeland Paardekooper (EXARC, Denmark, online)

SwWOT-Analysis for the RETOLD Project: Dr. George Tomegea (ASTRA-Museum, Sibiu, Romania)

17:00Introduction into the Stone Age Park Dithmarschen in the frame of the RETOLD Cooperation: Dr. Rüdiger Kelm (Stone Age Park Dithmarschen, Germany)
19:00Dinner (Restaurant Waldesruh, Grossers Allee 1, 25767 Albersdorf)


Day 2 - Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Location: Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen, Albersdorf

8:30Departure from the hotel (on foot)
9:00Session 2 (Retold Partners Only)
 Documentation App Walkthrough (indoor)
Evaluating media type and quantity - is it everything we need, or do we need to create more/different material?
Museums report on their experience with the app, round table
11:00Coffee break
11:30Managing digital and physical Material to Museum Standards
with Lukas Städing, digiCult (DE)
Go through the boxes of material, what goes into the app, what elsewhere, other ways of using the material? Managing the digital material in a professional way, keeping it in order.
14:00Session 3 (Retold Partners Only)
14:00Usability testing part 1
16:00Coffee break
16:30Usability testing part 2
19:00Dinner (Osteria Piano, Bürgermeister-Golz-Platz, 25767 Albersdorf)


Day 3 - Wednesday 20, 2023

Location: Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen, Albersdorf

8:30Departure from the hotel (on foot)
9:00Session 4 (Retold Partners Only)

Production of digital Media (indoor/outdoor) part 1

  • 3D and/or video according to a plan, focusing on a single house, participants have different responsibilities
  • Digitisation of existing material if needed and possible
11:00Coffee break

Production of digital Media (indoor/outdoor) part 2

  • 3D and/or video according to a plan, centering on one house, participants have different responsibilities
  • Digitisation of existing material if needed and possible
14:00Session 5 (Retold Partners Only)

Editing and (rehearsal) Publishing (indoor) part 1

  • What form (short/long/video/essay?). What platform (web, social, print?). What does a museum expect (brand, image)?
  • Who needs to sign off on comms?
  • How to keep a flow of media going?
16:00Coffee break

Editing and (rehearsal) Publishing (indoor) part 2

  • What form (short/long/video/essay?). What platform (web, social, print?). What does a museum expect (brand, image)?
  • Who needs to sign off on comms?
  • How to keep a flow of media going?
19:00Dinner (Restaurant Waldesruh, Grossers Allee 1, 25767 Albersdorf)

Day 4 - Thursday, September 21, 2023

Location: Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen, Albersdorf

8:30Departure from the hotel (on foot)
9:00Session 6 (Retold Partners Only)

Evaluation and Clean-up (indoor) part 1

  • Any left-over editing, organising publishing, writing copy if needed.
  • Making sure the media goes where it needs to go!
11:00Coffee break

Evaluation and Clean-up (indoor) part 2

  • Any left-over editing, organising publishing, writing copy if needed.
  • Making sure the media goes where it needs to go!
14:00Session 7 (Retold Partners Only)
14:00Steering Committee Meeting part 1
15:30Coffee break
16:00Steering Committee Meeting part 2
19:00Dinner (Osteria Piano, Bürgermeister-Golz-Platz, 25767 Albersdorf)

Departures - Friday, September 22, 2023
