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Sagnlandet Lejre (DK)

Partner in RETOLD

Lejre Land of Legends near Roskilde, is the oldest open air museum in Denmark and over has for decades been am example to many. The extensive site was in the 1960s scene for an experimental archaeology village, later followed by an experiment in ethnographic education and now famous for its Iron Age scenery as well as Mesolithic, Viking Age and post medieval area.

Antiquitates - Centro di Archeologia Sperimentale (IT)

Partner in RETOLD

In the heart of Central Italy there is an ancient land once known with the name of “Etruria”, where you can make a journey through centuries. Located in this pristine landscape, dominated only by nature, is Antiquitates, an Archaeological Education Park and a Research Centre for Experimental Archaeology, as well as a warm and cosy Guest House where you can spend a relaxing holiday dedicated to nature, equitation and archaeology.

Le Village Gaulois (MEEM) (FR)

Partner in RETOLD

The “Village Gaulois (MEEM)” serves humanitarian purposes. It is managed by the MEEM association and allocates each year 60% of its benefit of July and August to development aid’s actions in favour of the rural populations of the north of the Togo. In 1967, the war in Biafra, Nigeria upsets a teenager who pledges to help when adult.

Le Paléolab, Centre d’initiation à l’archéologie et à la préhistoire (FR)

Partner in RETOLD

The association Friends of Baux was founded in 1920 at Les Baux de Pce. Goals are among others to protect cultural heritage, raise awareness, get people interested in archaeology and in prehistoric skills. In 1996, the Paléolab, was founded, centre for introduction into archaeology and prehistory.

Village de Cambous (FR)

Partner in RETOLD

At Cambous, the Societé Languedocienne de Préhistoire manages a reconstructed Chalcolithic house with stone walls and stone roof. At this site, discovered in 1967, large excavations took place, uncovering Neolithic and Chalcolithic dwellings in what is called one of the oldest villages of France.

Villaggio Preistorico Sa Ruda (IT)

Partner in RETOLD

The prehistoric village at Sa Ruda in Cabras, Sardinia, is part of an agro-touristic company. It has been constructed with consultation of a team from the University of Sassari and has a bit of experimental archaeology, ethnology and teaching. The village consists of a few dwellings, a common space, some fenced areas for animals and cultivated fields.