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Museu de Prehistòria de València (ES)

Partner in RETOLD

The Museu de Prehistòria de València is a scientific institution dedicated to preserving, researching and disseminating the archaeological prehistoric heritage of the province of Valencia. It is a cultural resource of the Valencian society in so far it preserves his heritage; it contributes to the enhancement of its cultural level and its integral development.

Csiki Pihenokert, Csiki Garden (HU)

Partner in RETOLD

The “Csiki Garden” is a Medieval eco-archaeological park and Summer camp (in Hungarian: Csiki Pihenőkert, Árpád-kori régészeti park, erdei-iskola és nyári tabor) coordinated by the Régiségbúvár Egyesület (Antiques-research Association). The goals are to present Hungarian medieval life and history (buildings, agriculture, craftsmanship, foods, arms, costumes, et cetera) as well as teaching the children in schools and in Summer camps.

Geschichtserlebnisraum (DE)

Partner in RETOLD

The “Geschichtserlebnisraum Lübeck, Bauspielplatz Roter Hahn e.V.” started as an adventure playground in 1999. The aim is to use the site for open youth work (including non-historical activities), offering historical education. The focus is on the easy approach for children and adolescents to all of our activities.

Bajuwarenhof Kirchheim (DE)

Partner in RETOLD

Near München archaeologists and volunteers constructed a house and several other structures.
Upper Bavaria 1400 years ago... How did people live at that time? What did their houses look like, their working tools and other items of everyday's life? What kind of clothes did they wear, how were fabrics woven, dyed and worked? What did they eat, how did they bake bread, conserve meat or brew mead?

The Scottish Crannog Centre (UK)

Partner in RETOLD

Join the 21st Century Crannog Community where you will be guaranteed a warm welcome and taken on a fascinating journey into Scotland's prehistory. Walk in the footsteps of the original Crannog dwellers and immerse yourself in village life with original artefacts; demonstrations of textiles, cooking and ancient crafts & technologies; paddle into prehistory in one of our replica log boats and take in the atmosphere inside the Crannog Roundhouse.

Antiquitates - Centro di Archeologia Sperimentale (IT)

Partner in RETOLD

In the heart of Central Italy there is an ancient land once known with the name of “Etruria”, where you can make a journey through centuries. Located in this pristine landscape, dominated only by nature, is Antiquitates, an Archaeological Education Park and a Research Centre for Experimental Archaeology, as well as a warm and cosy Guest House where you can spend a relaxing holiday dedicated to nature, equitation and archaeology.