Were people in prehistory buried in some sort of covering, something like coffin or a bag (CZ)?
That depends on time and region. In Bronze Age Czechia there is evidence of wooden coffins either from planks or dug out from tree trunks. Timbered burial chambers...
Could the ornaments in megalithic graves be a rudimentary kind of writing (DE)?
The ornaments which in seldom cases are found in megalithic graves (especially in the Anglo-Irish and the Iberian regions) cannot be seen as an early form of writing. In general we find geometrical elements...
How do you make linen out of flax (NL)?
Flax is an annual plant which grows to 60 - 100 cms. The length of the plant is important because it equals the length of the fibres. The plant blossoms with white or light blue flowers. After the blossoming, small seed boxes remain...
How many people lived in the neolithic longhouse in Asparn (AT)?
One averagely has to count with a large family of up to 20 persons.
How was the weather like in the Neolithic Era in Austria (AT)?
The Neolithic is characterised by a warmer period; mean temperatures of 2 - 3 degrees warmer can be counted with. Obviously, our seasons like we know them were present back then as well.
Did people and their cattle live in one and the same house in prehistory (NL)?
No, in the New Stone Age houses, there are no indications for stables. During the Middle Bronze Age, between 1,800 - 1,600 BC, a farm type in which both people and cattle lived under one roof became the common type of dwelling...
Did children have to work as well (CH)?
People in prehistory did not get very old, meaning one had to grow up much earlier. There was less time to remain a child than nowadays. Besides this, life was very hard...
Did people in prehistory already keep animals (NL)?
In the Old and Middle Stone Age (in the Netherlands about 250.000 - 7.300 years ago) the people were hunters & gatherers. They hunted for wild animals, but did not keep them themselves...
When did people start to cook in prehistory (I mean more complicated meals, not just roasting or drying) (CZ)?
We cannot say for sure. We presume cooking from the Neolithic on when they started to use ceramic vessels – they prepared various gruels or soups, but it was possible...
What crops did prehistoric people grow and what herbs did they collect (CZ)?
The composition of grown plants differs both regionally and temporarily and is dependent on the climate, local conditions, fertility of soil and so on...