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What is EXARC?

RETOLD is the result of an EU cooperation project (2020-2024). In the Retold project we had six partners: EXARC as Coordinator; Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (ES), Complexul National Muzeal ASTRA (RO), Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE), Nüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd (IE) and Museumsdorf Düppel (DE). 

About the EXARC community

EXARC tells stories about the past we learn through archaeology. These stories are told in archaeological open-air museums, using experimental archaeology, ancient & traditional technology and interpretation & education. We understand how the past is relevant to the present. 

We are present in over 40 countries, and offer a strong supportive network of open-air museums, universities, associations, and professional individuals. We believe in open access and are very active online: on our website, our community on Discord and Social Media. 

EXARC publishes the EXARC Journal, featuring the latest developments in fieldwork, academic research, museum studies, live interpretation & living history, as well as ancient technology. The Journal is published four times annually online, open access. Our international board of editors would welcome publishing your article. 

We regularly host international conferences, often hybrid. Here you can find out the latest developments in the themes we are interested in. Participation is open to all. 

Through our affiliations with several organisations, like for example ICOM and NEMO, we can offer our members interesting opportunities. Joining EXARC as a member is open to all. By doing so, you are an active part of our community and with your contribution you keep EXARC going. You will also receive free entry to over 100 museums linked to EXARC.

EXARC’s mission

EXARC’s mission is to make the archaeological past widely accessible. It does this through creating opportunities for researchers and practitioners to collaborate, exchange information, and share best practices in archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology research, educational and presentational tools and demonstrations of cultural heritage. EXARC’s mission includes facilitating both research and education. Our goal is to bring people together and make them more professional.

EXARC has four legs: Ancient Technology, Experimental Archaeology, Interpretation / education and Museum Practice. EXARC has four target groups: Museums, Higher Education Centres, Organisations and Individuals (working in the fields connected to our legs).

EXARC connects people - is a bridge between open-air museums and science. By sharing the knowledge - together, with all different backgrounds, we are stronger. Together we can make an important contribution to society. EXARC is an open and inclusive network. The organisation is fluid and adaptable to what occurs.

EXARC is a vibrant, dynamic, growing international cultural heritage network with over 350 members in 40 countries. Members include over 100 museums (with an audience of about 5 million people annually), 200 freelance cultural heritage professionals working with those museums, 12 universities and 30 associations. Our Individual members range from archaeology professors to professional craftspeople.

EXARC is affiliated to the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and is a member of the Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO).