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Calmont Roman-Gaul Temple (DE)

On the top of Calmont peak, at 378 m, lies on a fantastic location the roman-gaul temple. The landscape runs downhill to the river Mosel for 300 meters with the most steep vines of Europe.

Open from

Excavations started in 2005 and proved the temple to be active from the second to the fourth centuries AD, when roman and gauls lived together in the region. The inner cell was 4 meters wide surrounded by the archway. The Calmont Region Foundation invested in the re-construction of the temple along with local and regional institutions, recognizing in it an extraordinary landmark which, thanks to a careful tourist and events marketing, proves to be a focus point of the regional tourism. The temple lies on the circular trekking Calmont route and the project itself was part of the “Romans Road” wider project. Guided food and wine-experience tours with roman picnics can be arranged through the Calmont Region Foundations. Activities linked with re-enactment of the roman-gaul period of the time relive the site itself on special occasions.
For information, contact the local tourist information.

50.109481, 7.123771