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Colonial Pennsylvania Farmstead (US)

Since 1974 the Colonial Pennsylvania Farmstead has given visitors a glimpse of 18th century Pennsylvania farm life through group programming, weekend activities and outreach opportunities. 

Open from

Attention to detail and authenticity are the hallmarks of Plantation programs from formal tours and hands-on workshops to the “living history” approach seen by weekend visitors. Visiting the Plantation is an educational experience that is unique and unforgettable.

The Colonial Pennsylvania Farmstead is a living history museum whose purpose is to enhance understanding of 18th century farm life in southeastern Pennsylvania by providing a high quality, research-based experience to the public. The Plantation was established and funded in 1975 as part of our nation’s Bicentennial celebration.

Each year, the Plantation’s On-site Education Program hosts about 10,000 teachers and school students from throughout the Delaware Valley as well as an occasional tour for seniors and other non-school groups.Also, thousands of tourists and local residents come to the Plantation each year to participate in regular and special weekend events. Guides in colonial are always available to interact with visitors, provide information, interpret colonial life and answer their questions.

39.966726, -75.449838