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Escape (UK)

ESCAPE stands for Eceni Study Centre and Permaculture Experience. Here, Steve and Jo Parish (“Past Alive”) focus on an Iron Age tribe known as “Iceni” or “Ecen”, constructing a farmstead depicting the period around 60 AD.

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The Iceni are known by the rebellion led by Boudicca. With a decades long experience in living history, the Parish family intends this site in Well-next-the-Sea to be a sympathetic background to the study of ancient crafts and lifestyles. They farm ancient breeds of cattle, sheep, fowl etc, using our own wool for handmade textiles.

The phrase ‘permaculture’ refers to a ‘wasteless’ society – one can imagine that living an Iron Age life creates less and less permanent waste than living in our modern western society. The conjectural reconstruction of an Eceni village is designed with permaculture in mind. The Eceni had vast woodlands and heathlands to draw on for building materials. By now, this option is no longer available, but in a way, nature is still bountiful. Permaculture requires a re-appraisal of the environment and its needs.

Interpreting ancient architecture is full of difficulties! The Parish family has done their best with (archaeological) information, knowledge and ability, to offer a "settlement" for your discussion and pleasure. Activities can range from cookery, making pottery, help building a house or following an Iron Age weapon practice (availability applies). Celtic feasts are celebrated, on the Days of the Druids (see calendar), various activities are planned subject to availability including, blacksmith, pottery, spinning, weaving, dying and ancient crafts. On Saturdays of Days of the Druids there will be sampling of Celtic dishes and drinks. On occasions, there too are specialist workshops in ancient technology.

School groups are welcomed in a Living History game/lesson where one meets “the ancestors at home”, share experiences - animals, crafts, clothing, fire, lighting, houses and much more.

Please be aware that due to the nature of the Living History work, the site may be closed to public access at the discretion of the owners at any time, so please check the official web site for updates.

The Eceni Study Centre closed August 2011. The land upon was leased and this lease was not renewed.

52.94655, 0.868767