Fotevikens Vikingamuseum (SE)
25 km south of Malmö, Sweden, you will find the Archaeological Open-Air Museum of Foteviken. Inside a city wall open toward the sea, the world’s only attempt to recreate an entire Viking Age town shows a number of streets with 23 houses and homesteads, reflecting life in a late Viking Age and early Middle Age town in 1134 AD.
The Viking Town of Foteviken is open to the public during the late spring, summer and early autumn. It has become a well known meeting place for international historical re-enactors with the Viking Age as their speciality. As a re-enactor you may live and work in the houses of the town free of charge, and may sell your handicraft products to visitors if their quality and craftsmanship corresponds to contemporary Viking Age items.
The museum is also involved in research focusing on historical and archaeological issues. A number of reconstructions of historical ships have been made. Two cog ships has been reconstructed one of them a wrecked cog from 1390 AD which has been excavated in the sea outside Skanör in southern Sweden. Based on its study a full scale replica of the ship has been reconstructed in Malmö.