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Funkenburg Westgreußen (DE)

Excavations from 1974 to 1980 revealed a Germanic stronghold at a specific point in the Helbe Valley. It was inhabited between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. 60 Houses or huts and 500 pits were uncovered. The largest house measured 8 x 12 metres. Ceramic finds point to the east but contacts with Romans and Celts are also ascertained. Cultic human sacrifices and cannibalism are presumed.

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The association Funkenburg Westgreußen e.V. was founded in 1984 and counts about 90 members. In the early years, the association were taking care of the old excavation area which had been deserted in 1980. The only visible part was a earthen rampart. A wooden tower was reconstructed and with posts, some other parts of the stronghold were depicted. In 1992 large reconstruction works started, which were finalised in 1999. The members do not only maintain the Funkenburg and keep it open, they as well represent the association at other cultural events in the area. The reconstruction with ramparts, ditches, towers and palisades is at the original location, so a reconstruction in situ. The village includes workshops, storage buildings, ovens and many larger tools. It was too expensive to build the whole village, so a selection has been made.

At several moments in the year, events take place here, seminars and the yearly Funkenburgfest when volunteers show in living history way how life could have been like. As addition to the normal history education, the museum offers activities like pottery, baking bread, working with wool, making fishing nets or shooting with bow and arrow. On the one hand, this is education in techniques, on the other hand, an image of the people of the past is presented.

51.239085, 10.919702