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Gabreta (DE)

The Celtic Village Gabreta is as an advertising for an organisation with a school for the enumployed, called “bfz - Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, GmbH”.

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This is the reason of existence. The Celtic village is strong in living history, showing groups from France, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Italy. They try to inform the visitors about the Celtic live without losing the science aspect. The six houses and scenery are based on several different nearby excavations. It started as a private initiative of a group of colleagues. The leader of the project is an archaeologist and marketing specialist. Celtic groups are working during their visit in the metal area, they for example dye clothes with different plants and try to get a good result. Gabreta is also known for its Celtic festivals (Beltane, Lugnasad and Samhain).

48.809916, 13.448