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Hvolris Jernalderlandsby (DK)

Hvolris is an excursion site where you can find culture, nature and sculpture, plenty to see. It covers the area around a small river valley, of the Skals river. Although the oldest remains date to Stone Age, most archaeological material is Iron Age or younger.

Open from

Hvolris Iron Age Village is an experience centre with a reconstructed Iron Age village, archaeological area, indoor museum (with shop and cafe) and culture grove. There are plenty of animals on site as well. The motto is "another time another speed" (en anden tid – et andet tempo). In total there are three longhouses, a smithy (Snejbjerg) and several workshops.

The area is 18 hectares large and excavations of the Iron Age (and younger) material are ongoing since the 1960s. Archaeologists are involved in the open air area as well as the museum. Important activities in the open air area are preparing food, forging iron and iron production. Living history is an important attraction. During the season, there is an event every month and like at any Danish attraction, the Autumn Holidays offer a very busy programme.

56.581927, 9.512229