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La Maisnie Joulain (FR)

Following the growing threat of invasions of their territories by the Vikings for example, the lords of the Middle Ages felt the need to protect themselves effectively. For this they have built castles. But long before the massive stone castles that we all know, smaller castles were made of wood and earth. These strongholds of the millennium are commonly called motte castles.

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See here, the motte castle La Haie Joulain, Saint Sylvain D'anjou. The site consists of an impressive fortified tower to monitor the surroundings, and an enclosure protecting the manor house, the barn, the house of a knight and many others.

The Maisnie Joulain is run by an association of volunteers, passionate about wanting to medieval and transmit this passion to the public. Each member develops one or more activities that are presented so that visitors can learn in a fun and cultural way about the daily life, handicrafts, military life, and many other things, in the Middle Ages.

The association cooperates with the municipality of Saint Sylvain d'Anjou regarding the maintenance and evolution of the site. This allows each year to offer new themes and workshops.

Picture by Maitre Ashénaär

47.5187, -0.4609