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Little Woodham Living History Village (UK)

Within the parish of Rowner, surrounded by woodland, lies the 17th century village of Little Woodham. A visit here will allow you to step inside the pages of history books; to open the doors of real homes and immerse yourself in everyday life in a small village.

Open from

You may meet the seamstress embroidering elaborate decorations on clothing for the wealthy members of the parish, or she may simply be repairing her husband’s britches! You may find the weavers busily spinning wool or weaving beautiful cloths. There’s also the potter at his wheel throwing pots or firing up his kiln. You’ll often hear the chopping of wood at the sawyers, or the rhythmic banging of metal at the blacksmith’s forge, or you might just hear a mother telling tales of faeries to her children.

Little Woodham and its volunteers have been providing a unique educational experience for schools, groups and the public, as well as being used as a film location and backdrop to many documentaries and dramas by numerous national and international film and TV companies for over 30 years.

You can learn about the different trades and crafts, the responsibilities people have within the village community, as well as seeing demonstrations of the different crafts and the accurate recreation of artefacts of the time, using the same methods, materials and tools that were used 370 years ago. You will also be entertained with stories, folklore, fears and beliefs as well as historical events of the period in order to provide you with the best experience and insight of what life would have been like in a small 17th Century English village.

Come and visit Little Woodham and immerse yourself into the 17th century for your own unique experience of the everyday lives, stories and crafts behind the history you know. Don't forget to ask questions - they love to share their knowledge.

Text source: Website Little Woodham
Photo: Roeland Paardekooper

50.799546, -1.173774