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Ópusztaszer National Historical Heritage Park (HU)

Opusztaszer is the most important historical site in Hungary as this is the place where the Magyar Nation was born around 896 AD.

Open from

The heritage park brings together the roots of historical Magyar identity in history and its contemporary developement. Within the park, various aspects of the Historical Heritage as well as on site monuments find place. In the permanent exhibition, history and archaeology from the first hungarian conquest to the medieval times are illustrated.
On the grounds of the park, the monastery of Szer was excavated. During the excavation, remains of a bell casting were found. Thanks to them, it was possible to cast a replica of that bell, which is now visible and working.
The Nomad Park replicates life in a nomadic village and its distinctive dwellings (yurta) and dwellers.
The heritage village shows 15 (re)constructed buildings from the Interwar Period in which live interpretation in period clothing leads the visitors to experience hands-on baking bread, learning the tricks of paprika cultivation and other typical hungarian village life activities.

46.487092, 20.096582