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Parc de la Préhistoire (FR)

The fun participative workshops at the Prehistoric Park in Tarascon sur Ariège guarantee total immersion in the heart of our Magdalenian ancestors’ daily life. Adults and children alike will time-travel 14 000 years back and gather new insights into prehistoric people, their way of life and their art. Numerous facilitated workshops and discovery games will immerse you in the life of a prehistoric person.

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The museographic trail of the « Grand Atelier », a true interpretation centre, discusses the themes and techniques of cave art and portable art, as well as the natural environment and the fauna of the Upper Paleolithic. With an audio-guide you can discover, at your own pace, the rich Upper Palaeolithic culture of France and the Ariège. Penetrate into the dark cavern of the « Grand Atelier » and discover films, models and facsimiles of the Niaux and Marsoulas caves as you have never seen before. Designed to satisfy the curiosity of adults and children alike, the exhibition ‘Giants of the Ice Age’ will complete your understanding of the environment of our Magdalenian ancestors. Stroll through a landscape of reconstituted Ice Age steppes, let your imagination roam and share a unique and magic moment with the astonishingly life-like animals! The facilitated workshops are led by our animators.

The Prehistoric Camp

Flint knapping and fire lighting – a guided tour of the camp will allow visitors to discover four reconstructed huts.

Prehistoric Art Workshop

In a reconstructed cave, come and create prehistoric drawings and discover the techniques used for this art. An entertaining time for all!

Hunting Workshop

Learn to use a spear thrower, the Magdalenian weapon of choice. You will learn how it works and above all discover how the ‘Homo sapiens’ who lived in France 14 000 years ago fed themselves. Become a great hunter, just like our ancestors!

Archaeology Workshop

The workshop reproduces the archaeological soil of a dig and illuminates the archaeological process and methods. Embark on a hunt for traces of the past and recreate the camp activities!


42.854885, 1.574929