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Parco Cannetum (IT)

The Parco Cannetum proposes a historical habitat covering a period from the Protohistory to Middle Ages where it is possible to visit housing, defensive and religious buildings for learning purposes, both for tourists and students.

The project has been submitted to the Sovrintendenza ai beni archeologici del Piemonte, which welcomed the project. The Parco helds a covered area to be used for the learning when unfavorable climatic conditions occur. In the future, a new adequate new built area, to be used as museum and for learning, will present a collection of artefacts currently shown elsewhere.

The building of a thematic and archaeological will lead visitors and students to live the village history in a tightly faithful re production, connected to important findings from the Padane area and and the Prealpine area and periods like protohistory (Iron Age), with the re building of its huts, funerary area, cultivation fields and middle ages (6th to 15th century), reconstructing Lombards huts, castelliere, a facility for education and for the museumization of the Research Centre L'Arc.

The Centro Ricerche carries out plenty of research on local history and organizes stages and labs about manual skills from prehistory to late middle ages. Its new location will enhance experimental archaeological activities within a naturalistic environment, and trying to rebuild the contexts as close as possible to the original, making the back-then real life conditions alive. The activities of the Research Centre L'Arc include bow building, utilization of green-stone axes, flint knapping, fire making, processing and firing of ceramics, educational garden, naturalistic environments, historical architecture, astronomical study and orienteering, bronze and silver casting, weaving, organization of historical bow competition, aiming to study and research. Partocipants will be able to learn both from L’Arc researchers and a rich multimedia library, focused on Archaeology and History.

44.478044, 7.380662