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Rezerwat Archeologiczny - Bedkowice (PL)

Będkowice, created on the place of early medieval settlement, consisting of ancient defending settlement and barrow cemetery (8th – 9th century), about 50 hectares large.

Open from

Hillfort in Będkowice, located on top of the hill called Sokola Góra, is one of the best preserved hillforts in this area. Two rings of banks and ditches are still perfectly visible, however whole area of the hillfort is covered by forest now.

The external bank was larger, with 15 m of width, while the internal one was 7 m wide. The excavations inside the hillfort brought many interesting finds including arrow points and pottery and uncovered remains of late medieval tower build in the place of the hillfort.

Settlement has dimensions of 65 x 75 m, has an elliptical shape, surrounded by ramparts. Within the settlement two (re)constructed huts with logs are built and wells. To the west of the settlement is a meeting place for the archaeological sites of shelter, hearth and exposition exhibition. In the south of the settlement there is a small circle of cult, with its medieval pond dike and outer shaft. Barrow burial mounds has about 7 - conical earthen mounds sometimes topped stones. Some mounds are reconstructed and fenced. The main entrance to the reserve is located on the road between Strzegomianami culmination of a Będkowicami and leads through a gate in the palisade of wooden figures of warriors of the Piast dynasty (see photo).

Będkowice - old village located on the eastern slope of the mountain, 3 km to the south from Sobotka, first mentioned in 1209 as a princely village. In the center of the village is an interesting fortified manor house from 1546, surrounded by a moat filled with water and lying next to a pond. The pride of the mansion is a Renaissance portal and border shutters.

50.87254, 16.75039