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Vuollerim 6000 år (SE)

Vuollerim 6000 år is an open air museum for all ages illustrating the Stone Age of Lapland. This museum houses an exhibition called “A vision of the past”, which shows not only the original finds from the excavation, but also reconstructions of Stone Age clothes and tools based on ethnographic studies and/or finds from other places.

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Through this exhibition the intention is to present an idea of the many artefacts that the Stone Age people probably used in their daily lives, but since thousands of years have withered away in the ground.

The museum houses an auditorium where a slideshow is shown: “The people of the Bear woman”, which opens a window to thoughts and practices of people thousands of years ago. The exhibition and the slideshow together are intended to give a holistic experience on how life 6,000 years ago might have been like.

On the museum yard there is a reconstructed Stone Age house. The excavation site is located less than 3 km from the museum, and can be visited throughout the summer.

The history of the museum started in the 1980s, when a Stone Age settlement was excavated at Älvnäset, Vuollerim, not far from the polar circle at a point where two rivers meet. This led to the construction of an information centre. In year 2000 this information centre was turned into an archaeological museum though the opening of the new exhibition ”A vision of the past”.

Vuollerim 6000 år is a museum with an educational and archaeological task. Experiments, reconstructions and interpretations of the finds are the foundations of public activities for all ages.

The museum is run by a foundation with Jokkmokks kommun, Ájtte svenskt fjäll-och samemuseum and the Umeå University in the board.

66.432541, 20.606078