House of Questions
Delphi House of Questions was an EU Culture 2000 project by three EXARC members. Under this umbrella, other EXARC members as well collected and answered the most frequently asked questions by visitors to archaeological open-air museums. The largest part of this collection of questions you can find here – as many of them still carry importance. In most cases we offer the questions both in the original language and in English. With several questions you will find illustrations by Savannah Parent.
How did people make bread in those days (NL)?
Both in the Middle Ages as in prehistory the same story: using a bread oven. For a bread, you need to grind corn (a very time consuming effort), make dough of it and let it rise with yeast...
How did the interior of the dwellings in the lake fortress look like (LV)?
There were sleeping places and benches along the walls. Sometimes, in one corner of the room, the in- built structure from horizontal logs was made, where house hold items of bigger size and tools were stored...
How much does a medieval armour weigh (NL)?
A medieval suit of armour weighs between 25 and 40 kilograms.
Didn't people in prehistory already have names (CH)?
Until in the Late Iron Age (3rd century BC), people did not use writing. In general, therefore, we are dealing with an alphabetic culture, so we do not have any names form this time...
Were the people in the Iron Age in Poland religious (PL)?
It is very difficult to reconstruct the beliefs of people back then on the base of what we found. Besides that, we can only imagine if religion was all pervasive or not that important...
What were roofs made from during the Bronze Age (CZ)?
Remains of roofs are rarely preserved so we know little about them. They may have been thatched but at that time people did not grow corn with long stalks as rye later in Middle Ages and modern times and...
Did people have soap in the Early Middle Ages (NL)?
The Romans didn’t use soap: they cleaned themselves with olive oil and some sand to remove dead skin cells. Soap supposedly is a Gallic or Germanic invention...
Do you know anything about how people kept food cool in the Middle Ages (NL)?
There are different ways. Actually, the best fridges are either streaming water or a hole in the ground. Rich people would have ice cellars where they would store ice in winter time, which would remain good until Summer.
How did Biskupin settlement seize to exist (PL)?
Because of the rising water table of Lake Biskupin the inhabitants abandoned the settlement.
How did people sacrifice to the gods during the Early Iron Age (SE)?
During the Early Iron Age (500 B.C.-400 A.D.), people sacrificed mainly by placing the offerings in the water of bogs or lakes. To sacrifice in wetlands is a tradition which goes back to the Neolithic...